May 2017

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Summary: Approval the finish the completion of the Wellfleet project, NRCS is on a hiring freeze so they are unable to fill the Hayes County Resource Conservationist position at this time, NRCS went over the new USDA requirements for erosion control, Kaila Kressin gave a report on what the field office secretaries have been working on behalf of the MRNRD, NARD Basin Tour coming up, NNRC reported that they are working on the budget and that the State could be removing some of the funds, Another Meet & Greet will be held in May for senator Dan Hughes, Starting the installation process on the high tech irrigation systems, Hired a contract employee to help with the articles for the newspapers, Basin Planning did get extended for an additional year, N-CORPE’s will be drafting their budget with the four managers and Kyle, Groundwater Committee discussed that they are looking to set an allocation on N-CORPE of possibly 12” per year over a 10 year period, Boyce state that they were currently working on the Red Willow basin model and running some model runs on N-CORPE, Approval of the proposed changes to the rules and regulations as presented at the hearing, Merrigan went over the discrepancy made by the title insurance on water right retirements and requested the Board to authorize Haag to sign the documents to allow the title company to get the documents corrected and approval was given to Haag to sign any and all documents required to complete the correction of the title for the easement on the Darrell Nelson and Don Hinz properties, Russell went over the letter he sent to DNR and some documentation as to why we feel we should be getting certain compact credits