Current Events




Price List December 2014

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Rentals: Horizon Drill, Gopher Getter

Sales: Poison Milo Bait, Meter Covers, Flags, Tree Tubes, Mulch Squares, Water Conservation Mulch, Staples

Rototilling: This will be done by our tree planter only and billed by him.

Non-Irrigated Status 2015 Form & Information

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

 I understand by certifying the Non-Irrigated Status of the above mentioned property, I will not be charged Occupation Tax for Tax Year 2015 only.  I understand I must apply for this exemption each year before June 1stto avoid being charged the Occupation Tax.

Air time on KRVN

Monday, September 29, 2014

At the latest Nebraska Association of Recources Districts (NARD) the Middle Republican got in on some of the air time with KRVN!
