Non-Irrigated Status 2015 Form & Information

I understand by certifying the Non-Irrigated Status of the above mentioned property, I will not be charged Occupation Tax for Tax Year 2015 only. I understand I must apply for this exemption each year before June 1stto avoid being charged the Occupation Tax. I understand I will receive no allocation on the acres I have submitted for the year of exemption. I further understand that I will be required to provide the District with proof that the submitted acres were not watered or water was not transferred to another area before the Occupation Tax can be removed. As a courtesy, our office will send out a reminder letter sometime in the fall indicating that we need the appropriate documentation by October 1st. If the documentation requested is not provided to our office by that date, you will be charged occupation tax.
FSA or crop insurance documents should be able to provide you with the specific information with the legal on it. Once, again this information must be received prior to October 1st, 2015 before we can remove those acres from the tax records, if that information isn’t received before this date you will be liable to pay the 2015 occupation tax. After we have received this information, we will review it and take the appropriate process to remove these acres for the 2015 occupation tax year. Also, the Middle Republican NRD DOES NOT CHARGE occupation tax on CREP acres, therefore, you do not need to file the non-irrigated status form.
If you have any additional questions, please contact the MRNRD. Thank you for your time.