October 2017

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Summary: Bob Meyer went over the audit in detail and answered questions of the board, Land Owners for a Common Purpose attended the meeting and asked to be put on the next months agenda for the regular meeting as well as requested that our attorney write an opinion letter on the subject of selling NCORPE lands, NRCS reported that they have planting for about 35,000 shrubs this year and the the engineers are out doing surveys on P2 now and that the range judging went very well and their was about 232 kids that participated, NARD hired a new lobbyist, NNCS is currently grading applications for the WSF Funding, Johnson is currently working on the Natural Resource Committee tour for NCORPE on Oct 16th and that all the probes have been extracted for the year and will be reading meters, NCORPE reported that Land Owners for a Common Purpose were in attendance at the meeting and requested to have a round table with the board on the sale of the land, NCORPE also requested that auditors go more in depth on the auditing of the books, Brown and Caldwell is wrapping up the modeling on NCORPE, approval for hearing on the rules and regulations was approved and Lindstrom was in attendance for any additional advice the board needed