October Regular Meeting 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015

Summary: I & E report of hosing Land Judging and attending Husker Harvest Days as well as the upcoming Farm & Ranch show in McCook NE, N-CORPE status report of selling the remaining pivots on Big Iron, Technicians are currently reading and servicing meters, FVID final approval of the last payment, Brown & Caldwell final report on the Medicine Creek Watershed Model update, Approval of proposed changes to the rules and regulations on pooling agreements, Draft of proposed IMP changes with explanation, discussion of IMP stakeholder meetings, discussion of IMP pumping standard, Approval of proposed changes to the IMP and taking it to hearing for November 10, 2015 Board meeting, authorization for the NRD field secretaries to sign off on FSA contracts, discussions of the last personnel meeting on the vacancy at the Trenton NRCS office, and stated that everything has been certified for the counties for sub-districts.